You are watching Kyonyuu Dosukebe Gakuen Episode 1 English, you can watch more episodes of this hentai series here Kyonyuu Dosukebe Gakuen
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Hentai: Kyonyuu Dosukebe Gakuen
A famous girl’s school one day suddenly became co-ed. This is a school where only the upper echelon of families sent their kids. Most of the girls at this school were far from educated in the ways of sex and lust, they practiced abstinence and scoffed at the thought of boys… except for the four girls in the secret Otome Club. They coerce boys to join and forced them to dress up as girls while they played out all of their sexual fantasies that had been so long suppressed. One unfortunate boy happens to overhear them talking by chance and is found out
Looks like Hentai Industry is going on the right path again!
The boy who came out crying tell me if any of you guys would react the same way out of curiosity.
but #methree, though. jk
Best one in awhile