You are watching Dearest Blue Episode 3 Preview, you can watch more episodes of this hentai series here Dearest Blue
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Hentai: Dearest Blue
Rio and Mamoru, childhood friends with a complicated relationship and mutual feelings, find themselves in a confusing situation. Rio accidentally becomes an idol after participating in a beauty contest. Mamoru discovers that Rio is the “sacrifice”, the prize in a game where influential people participate to obtain her. To protect Rio, Mamoru enters the game as both a participant and an employee but cannot reveal the truth to her. Despite his efforts, reality will soon catch up with him. In a desperate moment, Rio, completely vulnerable and naked, reaches out for help, but Mamoru cannot reach her.
Another double cucked in the same series bruh lol 😆 😂 🤣 plus I just realized this is basically a direct rip off from that older series “I can” I think it was called only real exception is at least in the older series he got cucked because he was a quick shot back in the good old days NTR wasn’t only bigger = better which imo is weak writing 😅