You are watching Ajin ga Osuki nan desu ne Episode 1 Preview, you can watch more episodes of this hentai series here Ajin ga Osuki nan desu ne
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Hentai: Ajin ga Osuki nan desu ne
“The master of the mansion was a stern man who always reacted coldly. One night, he caught Maya by surprise while he was shaving. It turned out that he had a peculiar fetish: he was sexually aroused by shaving women’s pubic hair.
Maya, who had been attracted to him since she arrived at the mansion, lifted the edge of her skirt to show her pubic hair. Seeing his agitation, she proposed that he shave her. He agreed.
He prepared the shaving foam and applied it from her waist to her thighs, around the mucous membranes, and finally on the pubic hair. Excited by the experience, Maya wished to continue further.”
Not a fan of anthropomorphic hentai.
damn at least make it a cat girl or wolf or something